Windspring Holistic Healthcare
Acupuncture, Traditional Oriental Medicine, Chinese Herbs.
Therapeutic Massage, Cranial Sacral Therapy
Nutritional Counseling, Functional Medicine,
Wellness and Life Coaching, Feng Shui and Space Clearing
Theresa Boone, L.Ac, NCCAOM, H.H.P
Relying on a highly developed intuitive sense, Theresa is an
integrative practitioner who specializes in deep relaxation
and stress reduction. She is a skilled acupuncturist with a
gentle touch, as well as, a phenomenal massage therapist
with 34 years experience.
My personal mission statement is to live a life that
exemplifies my innermost core values. To live in harmony
with nature: Our planet, Humanity, and All that dwell here.
To promote health, healing and harmony by embracing
each wondrous moment with gratitude, learning from each
experience and sharing my blessings along the way. In
doing this, I strive to be “just a little better” of a person
each day. It is my intention to create a positive ripple
wherever I go in life.
My specialty is deep relaxation and stress reduction.
It is my personal belief that once someone can attain a
parasympathetic relaxed state that miracles happen.
Inflammation and pain decrease, moods change, and
hormones balance .
Theresa’s education is expansive with degrees in
Oriental Medicine, Applied Psychology (emphasis in
Spiritual and Transformational counseling), and
Microbiology. She is trained in many modalities ranging
from Western and Eastern physical and energy medicine
to Shamanism which she skillfully incorporates into each
unique treatment.
Services available:
Acupuncture, Therapeutic Massage, Cranial-Sacral Therapy,
Wellness and Life Coaching, Functional Medicine with
Laboratory evaluation, Guided meditation and
Stress reduction, Feng Shui and Space Clearing, Herbology,
Homeopathy and Nutritional supplementation.
Please feel free to call me with your questions or concerns.
I look forward to seeing you in the office or one of my
Many Blessings! Theresa